· The Pope recalls that Advent is a journey of conversion ·


We “convert every day, a step forward each day”: this is the journey that Christians are called to make during the Advent period.

That’s what Pope Francis said at the Angelus Sunday 4 December, commenting on the Gospel reading for the day. “It is a question of leaving the comfortable, but misleading ways of the idols of this world: success at all costs: power to the detriment of the weak, the desire for wealth; pleasure at any price. And instead, to prepare the way of the Lord”.

For his reflection, the Pope pointed to John the Baptist’s exhortation: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!” And, he stressed that this is not something that regards “the afterlife.” Rather, it “is already in the midst of us”. But, he warned: “the condition for entering and being a part of this kingdom is to implement a change in our life, which is to convert”. In other words: to free ourselves “of self interest, sin and corruption, from these attitudes of the devil”. At the end of the Marian prayer, the Pope reminded the faithful that Thursday 8 December, the Church will celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.

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