
Pope at Mass: ‘Cost of war weighs on the weak’

Pope at Mass: ‘Cost of war weighs on the weak’ In his homily at Mass in the Casa Santa Marta on Tuesday, Pope Francis reflects on the cost of war, calling it a ‘modern-day flood’ whose price is paid by the poorest among us. Pope Francis compared the Biblical flood of Noah’s time to the many [...]

Pope at Mass: “Where is your brother?”

Reflecting on the episode of Cain and Abel in the Bible, Pope Francis in his homily at Mass on Monday said we are asked many uncomfortable questions regarding our brothers. “Where is your brother?” This is the question that God asks each one of us in our hearts regarding our brother who is sick, in prison [...]

Pope at General Audience: ‘Commandments open heart to God’

In his catechesis at the General Audience, Pope Francis says the Ten Commandments help us open our hearts to receive the mercy of God and to show compassion to others. Pope Francis turned his attention to the Ninth and Tenth Commandments at the Wednesday General Audience. The Holy Father said the injunctions – “You shall not [...]

Pope at Audience: Life is a time for giving, not possessing

Continuing his catechesis on the Ten Commandments, Pope Francis at his General Audience on Wednesday focused on the Seventh Word: You shall not steal. In his catechesis, Pope Francis notes that there is no culture that does not condemn theft and the misuse of our possessions. But, he says, it is worthwhile to reflect more deeply [...]

Pope on Bible: No other book has same power to transform lives

Before the General Audience on Wednesday Pope Francis greeted a delegation from the American Bible Society in the Paul VI complex. Transform lives through God’s word  The American Bible Society’s mission statement is “to transform lives through God’s word” and in his greetings to members of the society in the Vatican on Wednesday, Pope Francis encouraged [...]

Proclaim the Gospel to all without fear

Pope Francis on Thursday received a delegation from the Church Relations Committee  of the United Bible Societies telling them that "the word of God enlightens, protects, defends, heals and frees.” Speaking to the delegation Pope Francis began by highlighting the role they play in making “the Bible more easily accessible in diverse languages and in today’s [...]

A double life

St John’s advice to the “adolescent Church” of the first century applies perfectly to us today. Francis thus proposed the content of the Apostle’s First Letter: that we not have a double life and not give in to lies, aware that even as sinners we have a Father who forgives us. This is the reflection the [...]

Who is a neighbour

Everyone “can become the neighbour to any needy person you meet”, so long as your heart has “the capacity so suffer with the other”. Pope Francis drew this comforting certainty from the parable of the Good Samaritan, during the General Audience on Wednesday, 27 April. With the faithful in St Peter’s Square, the Holy Father continued [...]