
Pope at Santa Marta: there is God’s mercy but also His anger

In his homily at Mass, Thursday morning, Pope Francis urged Christians to make a daily examination of conscience regarding their actions because no one is sure when and how life will end. Stop for a while to acknowledge our failures, aware that the end can come any moment, and let us not continue living as we [...]

Pope reflects on death at Mass at Casa Santa Marta

The thought of death saves us from the illusion of being “masters of time.” At Mass on Thursday morning, Pope Francis’ homily focused on the reality of death. In his homily at the daily Mass at Casa Santa Marta, Pope Francis reflected on three realities: “Death is a fact; death is an inheritance; death is [...]

'Jesus came to save us from death'

Pope Francis on Wednesday reminded Christians that Jesus came to heal us and to save us from death. He also prayed for the over 300 victims of a deadly bombing in Somalia's capital Mogadishu and condemned the terrorist attack that falls on an ravaged tortured nation. He was addressing the pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square for the Wednesday General [...]

Thinking of Death Helps Us Realize What Matters in Life

‘When I pass away, what inheritance will I leave?’ This is the question Pope Francis has called on faithful to contemplate during his daily morning Mass at Casa Santa Marta, reported Vatican Radio. He urged those gathered to contemplate the end of their lives to help them better understand if they are properly living their lives [...]

Reflections on the Family: Death: "Death does not have the last word"

Dear Brothers and Sisters, good morning! In the course of catecheses on the family, today we take direct inspiration from the episode narrated by the Evangelist Luke, which we have just heard (cf. Luke 7:11-15). It is a very moving scene, which shows us Jesus’ compassion for one who suffers -- in this case a widow [...]