Evangelii Gaudium

Indonesian Protestants embrace papal teaching on Christian Unity ‎

Indonesian Protestants who are marking the 5th centenary of the Protestant Reformation, have embraced Pope Francis' Apostolic Exhortation "Evangelii Gaudium” on the proclamation of the Gospel in today’s world, calling it a document that can significantly help mend ties among Christians in a country experiencing a surge in religious intolerance. ‎The Reformation was sparked by ‎the ‎publication on [...]

Letter #3, 2017: Trump? Francis Waits

January 22, 2017, Sunday -- On Trump, Francis Waits On the dangers -- and need for -- populist movements Pope Francis has granted another long interview, this time to two Spanish journalists writing for the daily El Pais of Madrid, Spain. The interview was conducted on Friday, January 20, in the Domus Santa Marta, where the [...]

Letter #31, 2015: Rubicon

August 12, 2015, Wednesday — Rubicon Introductory note We are just coming out with a special, splendid 132-page Commemorative Edition of Inside the Vatican magazine, welcoming Pope Francis to America. The Pope will visit Washington, New York and Philadelphia from September 22 to 27, after a visit to Cuba from September 19 to 22. At the [...]

Juniper Serra

A statue of Father Serra in the courtyard of the San Buenaventura Mission in California. The Pope will canonize a great evangelizer of the American West, But many oppose the decision. Our correspondent analyzes the controversy... Of all the comments Pope Francis made on his recent trip to the Philippines and Sri Lanka, perhaps [...]

Interview: Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, on the Upcoming Synod on the Family

The family and its position in changing times such as ours will be at the center of the upcoming Extraordinary Synod of Bishops, to be held in the Vatican from October 5 through 19, at the specific and strongly-felt request of Pope Francis. Approximately 180 people will attend, mostly representatives of Bishops’ Conferences from around the [...]

A New Tone of Urgency

“It is increasingly intolerable that financial markets are shaping the destiny of peoples rather than serving their needs, or that the few derive immense wealth from financial speculation while the many are deeply burdened by the consequences.” —Pope Francis, June 16, address to a conference in Rome sponsored by Catholic Relief Services, the University of Notre [...]

Interview with Professor Guzman Carriquiry on Francis

Professor Guzman Carriquiry Lecour has served the Holy See for 43 years. He recently celebrated his 70th birthday (April 20, congratulations!). He is currently secretary of the Holy See’s Pontifical Commission for Latin America — the first layperson to serve in that role (since May 2011), just as he was the first ever layperson to be [...]