June-July 2016

Food For Thought

The entrance to the famous restaurant With a double article about the history of books in this issue’s “Of Books, Art, and People,” what more appropriate time to suggest a visit to Rome’s Caffè Greco! Here for more than 200 years the great minds of art, literature, and music have been meeting around [...]

The Book in Europe in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance

"I Fioretti," or "Little Flowers," an anonymous biography of St. Francis of Assisi composed at the end of the 14th century, probably in Tuscany Two splendid exhibitions this spring concern the history of the book in Europe during the Middle Ages and Renaissance and its impact on European and thus world culture: I Libri [...]

Capovilla’s Passing

The passing of the personal secretary of Pope John XXIII on May 26 at the age of 100 brings a period of Church history, the period of Pope John XXIII and the Second Vatican Council, to a close. What next? Robert Moynihan “There was a second envelope.” —The late Cardinal Loris Capovilla, speaking to [...]