
Reviews of recently published works being read around the Vatican

“Faith in man was one of the very essence of religion”

More than a century ago, Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson foresaw the rise of secular humanism, the contraction of the Catholic Church, and the coming of the Antichrist By ITV Staff Editor’s Note: The passage below is from the Prologue to the novel Lord of the World, written by the English Catholic convert Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson [...]

“I suppose it is the deepest instinct”

More than a century ago, Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson foresaw the rise of secular humanism, the contraction of the Catholic Church, and the coming of the Antichrist... By ITV Staff Editor’s Note: The passage below is from the novel Lord of the World, written by the English Catholic convert Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson (the son of [...]

The Mass is central to the Faith; God is central to the Mass

A review of The Catholic Mass: Steps to Restore the Centrality of God by Bishop Athanasius Schneider By Leila Marie Lawler Bishop Athanasius Schneider with Aurelio Porfiri I became a Catholic in 1979 at the age of 19. Thus, I entered the Church in the fullness of her turmoil. Other than a few shards [...]

Excerpts from Peter Kwasniewski’s book From Benedict’s Peace to Francis’s War

“The crudest form of clericalism” The reason for a Church government (as leaders, rather than sacrificial priests) is found in the community of faithful for which such government exists. Government exists per se for the protection of society and its way of life, so that society may achieve the ends for which human communities are [...]

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