
Palm Sunday homily

Pope Francis delivered the homily at Mass on Palm Sunday in St. Peter's Square.  Today’s celebration can be said to be bittersweet.  It is joyful and sorrowful at the same time.  We celebrate the Lord’s entrance into Jerusalem to the cries of his disciples who acclaim him as king.  Yet we also solemnly proclaim the Gospel [...]

On Paschal Faith

“Upon those who follow the Lord Jesus, the light of Easter already shines forever” Dear brothers and sisters, good morning! The Gospel of today tells of the third apparition of the Risen Jesus to the disciples, at the shore of the Sea of Galilee, with the recounting of the miraculous catch (cf John 21:1-19). The story [...]

Easter Triduum Gives Certainty We’ll Never Be Abandoned

Francis Says Our Jesus Says to Each One of Us: ‘If I Could Suffer More for You, I Would Do So’ We can be certain that in life’s trials, we will never be abandoned. The Holy Father stressed this during his weekly General Audience this morning in St. Peter’s Square, as he reflected on Holy Week [...]