Pope Benedict XVI

Letter #8: the 7th Anniversary of Benedict’s Election

April 19, 2012 -- 7th Anniversary of the Election of Pope Benedict XVI (Note: I am posting these emails on the web. You may view them at the link: https://www.moynihanreport.com/. If anyone would feel moved to support the development of this site, and the associated Inside the Vatican site, www.insidethevatican.com (new site under development, to be [...]

Letter #6: Norcia on Thursday of Holy Week

Thursday, April 5, 2012 "It is not for man to seek, or even to believe in God. He has only to refuse to believe in everything that is not God. This refusal does not presuppose belief. It is enough to recognize, what is obvious to any mind, that all the goods of this world, past, present, [...]

Vatican Watch – January 2012

Thursday 10 ISRAELI RELIGIOUS LEADERS AT THE VATICAN Dialogue is essential for religious leaders in the Holy Land, “a place full of memories sacred to our traditions,” but a place that each day faces challenges to living together in harmony, Benedict XVI told religious leaders from Israel. The “movement toward reconciliation requires courage and vision, as [...]

The Crisis of the Faith—Roman Curia Christmas Message

  Pope Benedict XVI seated in the Sala Clementina in the Apostolic Palace on December 22 to deliver his annual Christmas message to the Roman Curia. The Pope said the "faith fatigue" seen in various areas of Church life today contrasts sharply with the faith and joy he witnessed during World Youth Day in Madrid [...]

New Cardinals in February

Pope Benedict XVI arrives for a meeting with cardinals and bishops during an ordinary public consistory at the Vatican February 21, 2011 (CNS photo/L'Osservatore Romano via Reuters) Note: On December 28, Sandro Magister, a veteran and respected Italian “Vaticanist” based in Rome, released an unsigned article saying that Pope Benedict will hold a Consistory [...]

"Justice Is Freedom for Mankind"— Benedict XVI in Germany

On September 22 in Berlin, the German pontiff, who had been born in 1927 and grown up after 1933 under National Socialism, gave a profound reflection on the sources of law. The tensions of that moment — a German native speaking to the government of his country, a Catholic Pope speaking to a secular legislature, a [...]

Advent Visit to Roman Prison

The Rebibbia prison on the outskirts of Rome is known for having hosted a historic meeting: that between John Paul II and Ali Agca, who had tried to assassinate him. On December 18, another Pope came to visit that prison: Benedict XVI. He met with the inmates, conversed with them, took questions from them, and prayed [...]

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