Pope Pius XI

“Essential” Catholic Economic Principles During Lockdowns

The Angelus by Jean-François Millet, 1858-1859, Museum d'Orsay in Paris By Michael Severance The COVID crisis is more than a health catastrophe. It is also a human wealth calamity in the making. Rash management of the ongoing pandemic by elected and unelected authorities has created an economic emergency across nations and on many levels. [...]

Media and Truth Conference to be held in Lourdes

The Vatican Secretariat for Communication is collaborating with the French “Federation des Media Catholiques” on a two-day communications conference in Lourdes this week. The conference is entitled “Media and Truth.” One of the highlights will be an outdoor Mass at the Lourdes Grotto, celebrated by Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin. Popular perceptions of truth [...]

Pontifical Oriental Institute: a bridge between East and West

Church leaders from the different Eastern Catholic rites have been gathered in Rome this week to mark the centenary of the foundation of the Pontifical Oriental Institute and the Congregation for Eastern Churches. Pope Francis visited the Institute on Thursday and issued a mesage praising its "high achievements" and reminding it to be always attentive to the "enormous challenges facing [...]