Robert Wiesner

Urbi et Orbi Section: The Message of the Icon

"The Trinity" by Andrei Rublev, Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow The Trinitarian Icon The Trinity as depicted by Andrei Rublev is arguably the most famous and best-beloved icons of all time. Most iconographers would agree that no one has ever surpassed the unity of composition, the balance of color and the sheer spirituality of this image; [...]

The Message of the Icon

Here, a 19th century painting of Christ walking with the two disciples on the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus, by Swiss painter Robert Zünd (1827-1909) The Road to Emmaus Whatever purpose the two disciples had in journeying to Emmaus, certainly their original plans were entirely disrupted by the company of the mysterious teacher who [...]

The Message of the Icon

The icon of "Christ the Judge" Christ the Judge This month we highlight a famous and brilliantly executed icon dating from the 6th or 7th century. The icon was preserved during the time of the iconoclastic heresy simply due to the remote location of Saint Catherine’s Monastery at the base of Mount Sinai. Some [...]

Under Mary’s Mantle

We continue our series of occasional articles on the history and spirituality of the Orthodox and Eastern-rite Catholic Churches. Our hope is to deepen our understanding of the ties that bind us, and to slowly “build bridges” that may, at some future time, allow closer relations, and perhaps even full reunion, among our Churches. In that [...]