St. Paul

Pope at Mass: bishop, a humble and meek servant, not a prince

During Mass, Monday morning, Pope Francis spoke about the qualities of a bishop that St. Paul speaks about in his letter to Titus. A humble and meek servant, not a prince. This is what a bishop should be according to Pope Francis. Celebrating Holy Mass, Monday morning, at the Casa Santa Marta in the Vatican, he [...]

‘Celebrate the God of Love on the feast of the Most Holy Trinity’

Pope Francis on Sunday described the feast of the Most Holy Trinity as an occasion to celebrate God’s love for all of us. Speaking to the faithful in St. Peter’s Square for the Angelus Prayer, Pope Francis remarked on the Feast we celebrate on the Sunday after Pentecost saying it calls us spread God’s love throughout the world. He said [...]

Reflections for the feast of Epiphany

Epiphany celebrates Jesus’ first appearance to the Gentiles, as represented by the Magi, while the Eastern Churches commemorate the Baptism of Christ, where the Father and the Holy Spirit give combined testimony to Jesus’ identity as the Son of God. Is 60:1-6;   Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6;   Mt. 2:1-12 Homily starter anecdote “Because you never know what’s going [...]

Pope urges Christians to watch out against worldliness

Only Christ crucified will save us from the demons that make us "slide slowly into worldliness", saving us also from the "stupidity" that St. Paul talks about to the Galatians, and from seduction.  This was the central message of the homily of Pope Francis at his Mass, Friday morning, at the Santa Marta residence in the Vatican.  [...]

God is a Father; we are never alone

At the weekly General Audience on Wednesday, Pope Francis spoke on “The Fatherhood of God: the Wellspring of our Hope.” He was continuing his series of catechetical instruction on “Christian Hope.” Pope Francis’ catechesis focused on the Christian prayer par excellence, the Our Father. “The whole mystery of Christian prayer,” he said, “is summed up here, [...]

Pope on St Paul: model of preaching, persecution and prayer

The life of St Paul, characterised by preaching, persecutions and prayer, can be a model for all Christians today. That was the theme of Pope Francis’ homily at his Santa Marta Mass on Thursday morning. Reflecting on the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, Pope Francis described St Paul as the ultimate action man. [...]

Christians are always on the go in their journey to meet the Lord

The life of every Christian is a journey and a process during which to deepen the faith. Speaking during the homily at morning Mass at the Casa Santa Marta, the Pope reflected on the liturgical reading of the day in which St. Paul tells the story of Salvation leading up to Jesus. During the course of [...]

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