St. Peter’s Square

Pope at Angelus: Welcoming those at our door brings peace and hope

Pope waves to pilgrims in St Peter's Square during the Angelus (Vatican Media) At the Sunday Angelus address, Pope Francis speaks of the importance of not feeling burdened when offering a warm welcome and a sense of fraternity to those in need as a way of combining contemplation and action. By Francesca Merlo Pope [...]

Pope Francis: ‘Mercy is the true face of love’

The Pope reflects on the Parable of the Good Samaritan and says the trait of a true Christian is to always be merciful and compassionate. By Linda Bordoni Pope Francis on Sunday upheld the example of the Good Samaritan as a model for Christians, explaining that only by loving our neighbours as ourselves, do we show [...]

Pope Francis: keys to Gospel proclamation…

  Pope Francis greets the faithful at the Sunday Angelus in St Peter's Square (Vatican Media) Following Jesus means no looking back. At the Angelus on Sunday, Pope Francis says that being a disciple of the Master means being prompt, decisive, and always on the move. By Christopher Wells In his reflection at the [...]

Pope: ‘Church of Acts a paradigm for every Christian community’

Pope Francis reflects on the life of the early Christian community during his ongoing catechesis on the Acts of the Apostles. Pope at Papal Audience (Wednesday) Vatican Media Picture Vatican media Dear brothers and sisters: In our catechesis on the Acts of the Apostles, we now consider the way of life of the first [...]

Pope at Angelus urges leaders to be discerning, just and merciful

Pope Francis addresses the faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Square for the Sunday Angelus calling on all those who have educational or leadership responsibilities to be aware of their role and to be wise, discerning and merciful. Pope Francis on Sunday reflected on the Gospel reading of the day in which Jesus invites his disciples to [...]

Pope at Angelus: Working together to protect minors

Pope Francis tells the faithful in St Peter’s Square during the Angelus, “we want all possible measures to be taken so that such crimes are not repeated”. Speaking following the recitation of the Marian Prayer, Pope Francis reflected on the “Protection of Minors in the Church” meeting which concluded on Sunday with Holy Mass. The Pope [...]

Angelus: Pope warns against idolatry, Jesus calls us to happiness

Before the recitation of the Marian Prayer, the Pope reflects on Sunday’s Gospel reading from Luke in which, he says, Jesus in the form of the Beatitudes “opens his eyes to us, makes us see with his gaze, beyond appearances, beyond the surface, and teaches us to discern situations with faith.” Pope Francis explained how Jesus, [...]

Pope at Angelus: ‘Jesus’ eternal kingdom founded on love’

Ahead of the Sunday Angelus prayer on the Solemnity of Christ the King, Pope Francis says Jesus came to establish an eternal kingdom which is founded on love and gives peace, freedom, and fullness of life. Pope Francis prayed the Angelus on Sunday with thousands of pilgrims huddled under umbrellas in a rainy St. Peter’s Square. [...]

Pope: ‘when we meet the Lord we will bring only what we have given’

Reflecting on the Gospel reading of the day at the Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis reminded the faithful that when we meet the Lord we will be called to account for our lives. Addressing the crowds gathered in St. Peter’s Square for the Angelus, Pope Francis on Sunday reflected on the Gospel passage in which the Lord [...]

Pope at Audience: Life is a time for giving, not possessing

Continuing his catechesis on the Ten Commandments, Pope Francis at his General Audience on Wednesday focused on the Seventh Word: You shall not steal. In his catechesis, Pope Francis notes that there is no culture that does not condemn theft and the misuse of our possessions. But, he says, it is worthwhile to reflect more deeply [...]

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