St. Thomas Aquinas

The Mystery of Man

Benozzo Gozzoli, "The Triumph of St. Thomas Aquinas over Averroes, the Most Influential Muslim Philosopher of the Middle Ages, with Aristotle and Plato," The Louvre in Paris, from 1471 Human beings are a composite of mortal body and immortal soul. At the moment of death, that composite is torn asunder… and yet we remain [...]

Marriage and the Family: An Encouragement to the Joy of Love

Press conference presenting Pope Francis' Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation "Amoris laetitia", on love in the family, in the Holy See Press Office. Cardinal Christoph Schonborn O.P., Archbishop of Vienna (Photo Grzegorz Galazka) Cardinal Christoph Schönborn gave the official presentation of the text at the April 8 press conference in Rome. The Pope chose Schönborn for [...]

Letter #25, 2016: "The Joy of Love"

April 8, 2016, Friday -- The Tenderness of a Papal Document Pope Francis has written a "love letter" to the world... Dear friends, I just came back from the 2-hour Vatican press conference presenting Pope Francis' new Apostolic Exhortation on the Family, entitled Amoris Laetitia (that is the Latin title of the text, meaning literally, "Of [...]

Cardinal Sodano on inward and outward reform of the church

Angelo Sodano's book "Chiesa e riforme, una chiesa de amare". The Vatican Press has just published, in Italian, a small but quite interesting book by Cardinal Angelo Sodano on the topic of Church reforms in general and Curial reforms in particular. Given the emphasis on Church and Curial reform in this first year and [...]