
‘Contempt for the weak is work of Satan’

What is it within ourselves that makes us mock and belittle the weakest among us? That was the question Pope Francis posed during his homily at the morning Mass on Monday in the Casa Santa Marta. Pope Francis at Monday morning’s Mass reflected on the many Biblical stories that tell of a powerful person humiliating someone weaker and [...]

Works of mercy means sharing suffering of others

Doing works of mercy doesn’t mean just giving coins to assuage our consciences. Rather, it means sharing in the suffering of others, even at personal cost to ourselves. That message was at the heart of Pope Francis’ homily on Monday morning at his regular Santa Marta Mass. Reflecting on the first reading from the book of [...]

Modern-day leeches

There is a correct relationship that a Christian should have with money, with wealth. This was the focus of Pope Francis’ reflection during Mass at Santa Marta on Thursday, 19 May, wherein he denounced modern slavery and those who, taking advantage of widespread unemployment exploit people, forcing them to accept unfair contracts. Such traffickers “fatten themselves [...]