
A Hungarian Franciscan Who Helps Abandoned Children

#5 Father Csaba Böjte A Hungarian Franciscan who helps abandoned children "To free my fellows from the chains of fear and little faith..." “Every child is a message for humanity: God loves us. Raising a child is an encounter with God. Jesus said: if someone adopts one of the smallest, receive myself,” says Father Csaba Böjte, [...]

Pope at General Audience: ‘WYD was joyful feast for Panama’

In the catechesis portion of his weekly General Audience, Pope Francis thanks God and all those who helped make World Youth Day in Panama a success. Fresh from his Apostolic Journey to Panama, Pope Francis relived World Youth Day with the pilgrims present at the Wednesday General Audience. One of the things that really struck him [...]

Pope Francis at Angelus: ‘It’s evil not to do good!’

Ahead of the Angelus prayer on Sunday, Pope Francis said being a good Christian is more than merely not doing evil: A good Christian does good and actively opposes evil. Pope Francis prayed the Angelus in St. Peter’s Square on Sunday with tens of thousands of pilgrims, including a large group of young Italians to whom [...]

Pope Francis celebrates Paul VI: ‘the Pope of modernity’

Pope Francis on Sunday remembered Pope Paul VI forty years from his death which took place on 6 August 1978. Greeting the pilgrims present in St. Peter’s Square for the Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis turned his thoughts to a Pope he is preparing to canonize. “Forty years ago Blessed Pope Paul VI – the Pope of [...]