
A collection of the Pope’s words after the Sunday Angelus

Pope at Angelus: Enter the ‘narrow door’ by serving God and others

(CNS photo/Vatican Media) August 21, 2022 Reflecting on the Sunday Gospel reading before leading the Angelus, Pope Francis encourages us to "strive to enter through the narrow door," meaning that to enter into God’s life and salvation, we need to pass through Him, to welcome Him and His Word. Speaking to pilgrims gathered [...]

Pope at Angelus: Avoid idolatry of wealth and seek life’s true goods

(CNS photo/Vatican Media via Reuters) July 31, 2022 Back at the Vatican just a day after his penitential pilgrimage to Canada, Pope Francis leads the Sunday Angelus in St. Peter's Square offering thoughts on the day's Gospel that warns about the covetousness that lies in everyone’s heart that can tempt us towards greed [...]

Pope at Angelus: ‘Listen to Jesus, everything else comes after’

(CNS photo/Vatican Media) July 17, 2022 At his Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis turns to the Liturgy and uses it to explain why listening to the words of Jesus must always be our priority, as it guides us towards everything else. Addressing the faithful gathered in St Peter's Square for [...]

Pope at Angelus: See and have compassion like the Good Samaritan

(CNS photo/Paul Haring) July 10, 2022 At the Angelus prayer on Sunday Pope Francis calls on the faithful to follow the example of attentiveness and compassion of the Good Samaritan and, therefore, to be “disciples of the Way” pointed by Jesus. Ahead of the traditional mid-day prayer of the Angelus on Sunday, Pope Francis reflected on [...]

Pope at Angelus: ‘We proclaim Jesus through witness of brotherly love’

(CNS photo/Vatican Media) July 3, 2022 Pope Francis reflects on the Sunday Gospel at the Angelus prayer, and urges Christians to bear witness to Jesus through mutual respect and brotherly love. Ahead of the traditional noon-day prayer of the Angelus on Sunday, Pope Francis paused to reflect on the day’s Gospel, in which Jesus [...]

Pope at Angelus: ‘In the Eucharist is Jesus’ life given for all of us’

(CNS photo/Matthias Rietschel, Reuters) June 19, 2022 Pope Francis reflects on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi and on how, in the Eucharist, everyone can experience the loving and concrete attention of the Lord. Pope Francis on Sunday reminded believers that the Lord, who is present in the Eucharist, takes each and everyone of us [...]

Pope at Angelus: Holy Trinity revolutionizes our way of life

(CNS photo/Vatican Media) June 12, 2022 In his Angelus address on the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity, Pope Francis recalls that the Trinity is not a "theological exercise," but "a revolution in our way of life." The Holy Trinity, Pope Francis says, "is not so much a theological exercise," but "a revolution in our [...]

Pope at Regina Coeli: Hear and follow the Lord, our Good Shepherd

(CNS photo/Vatican Media) May 8, 2022 Pope Francis calls on us to hear the Lord when he calls us, to realize that he knows us better than ourselves, and to follow Him as our Good Shepherd, as today's liturgy tells us about the loving bond that exists between the Lord and each one of [...]

Pope at Angelus: May we receive God’s mercy with open hearts

(CNS photo/Vatican Media) March 28, 2022 Recalling the Parable of the Prodigal Son, Pope Francis says when a person's heart is synchronized with God and sees the repentance of a person for their mistakes, they rejoice. May we also rejoice by receiving God’s mercy so it becomes the light by which we see our [...]

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