
Pope Francis: Heartfelt solidarity with those affected by Philippines typhoon

Pope Francis today expressed his deepest sympathy for those in the Philippines who have suffered from a terrible typhoon which has taken more than 10,000 lives.   Francis also reflected during his midday Angelus on the Gospel reading for this Sunday, setting forth powerfully his understanding of the meaning and reality of eternal life. His words may offer [...]

Jorge Mario Bergoglio Seen by a Fellow Countryman

They were born in the same city, though in different areas. Pope Francis was born in the beautiful neighborhood of Flores, inhabited by descendants of Italian and Spanish immigrants. They are six years apart: Jorge Bergoglio was born in 1936, Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo in 1942. Both became priests: the former entered the Society of Jesus; the [...]

Pope Warns of “Technological Prometheanism”

The Doni Tondo or Doni Madonna, sometimes called The Holy Family by Michaelangelo, circa 1507, oil and tempra on panel. 47-1/2 inches A recent talk of the Pope’s raises central issues for our time. But is anyone listening? I don’t quite know how to say this, so I’ll just be blunt: Pope Benedict is [...]

America and Catholic Social Teaching: An Urgent Warning

One of the leading economic historians of our time, Dr. Rupert Ederer, an expert on the thought of Father Heinrich Pesch, SJ (1854-1926), takes a look at our present economic crisis. For anyone who takes Catholic social teaching seriously, specifically in the context of the present woeful condition of the American economy, it is necessary to [...]

President Obama vs. the Catholic Church

An analysis of why US President Barack Obama chose to challenge the power of the Catholic Church during this election year The Rev. Rob Schenck of the National Clergy Council, Father Peter West, vice president for missions of Human Life International, and Gary G. Dull, pastor of Faith Baptist Church in Altoona, Pennsylvania, pray as [...]

The West vs. the Developing World

The Western industrialized nations have spent four generations busily developing all kinds of birth control methods to stop population growth in the world’s poor countries. In this process, they have gone against Christian beliefs and values. But they have also gone against their own interests, rightly understood. Those who embraced the pills and used all those [...]

The Longest Economics Textbook

Fr. Heinrich Pesch The longest economics textbook ever written is a five-volume work in German by a Jesuit priest named Heinrich Pesch. It contains 3,969 pages as it appeared in its final edition. Published in several editions between 1905 and 1926 by the distinguished Herder publishing house in Frei­burg, Germany, it is entitled Lehrbuch [...]