
Pope at Mass: Lent is an opportunity to be simple and true

Pope Francis celebrated Mass at the Casa Santa Marta on Friday highlighting the need for believers to be true Christians and shun appearances. Taking his cue from the Book of the prophet Isaiah, Pope Francis condemned all forms of hypocrisy and explained the difference there is between objective and formal reality. Formal reality, the Pope said, [...]

Pope at Angelus urges leaders to be discerning, just and merciful

Pope Francis addresses the faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Square for the Sunday Angelus calling on all those who have educational or leadership responsibilities to be aware of their role and to be wise, discerning and merciful. Pope Francis on Sunday reflected on the Gospel reading of the day in which Jesus invites his disciples to [...]

Pope Francis prays Angelus for Solemnity of the Assumption

Pope Francis reflected on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary at the Angelus on Tuesday. The feast of the Assumption, also known as Ferragosto, is an important religious and civil holiday in Italy, and thousands of faithful were present in St Peter’s Square to celebrate with the Holy Father. In his remarks, Pope Francis reflected on the Gospel reading, which relates the meeting [...]

Never slaves of the law

The hypocrite’s rigidity has nothing to do with the law of the Lord, but instead it deals with “something hidden, a double life” that enslaves us and makes us forget that being on God’s side means experiencing “freedom, gentleness, goodness and forgiveness”. These are precisely the attitudes of a Christian — who does not need to [...]

Brazen faces

The “religion of appearances” or the “path of humility”? In the homily at Mass in the Chapel of Santa Marta on Tuesday, 11 October, Pope Francis indicated a decisive choice in the life of every Christian: that even when “doing good”, we can indeed meet with a dangerous misunderstanding – which is that of putting ourselves [...]

The Words of Pope Francis: What is True Humility?

In his morning meditation at the beginning of February, Pope Francis commented on King David’s journey from sin to repentance and humble sanctity, saying, “The only path to humility is humiliation.” Humility is becoming a lost virtue in the modern world. Our digital technology seems to make us think about ourselves all the time. But C.S. [...]

The Message of the Icon: Extreme Humility

The icon of "Extreme Humility" depicting the King of Glory in His Tomb One of the most powerful icons for the Lenten season is that depicting the King of Glory in His tomb, commonly called “Extreme Humility.” The grave is the great human equalizer, of course; princes and paupers alike must descend into death [...]

Ever decreasing

John the Baptist, “the greatest of the prophets”, teaches us a fundamental rule of Christian life: humble ourselves so that Jesus may grow. This is “God’s approach”, as opposed to “mankind’s approach”, as the Pope pointed out during Mass at Santa Marta on Friday morning, 5 February. In the day’s Gospel passage, Mark writes that “the [...]

If You’re Not Humble, You Won’t Be Holy

If you wish to be holy, then you better start by being humble. According to Vatican Radio, Pope Francis stressed this during his daily morning Mass at Casa Santa Marta this morning, as he recalled the story of King David who, aware of his own sin, accepted being humiliated out of his trust in God. 3 [...]

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