Inside the Vatican

Giving Tuesday: Gifts from Dr. Robert Moynihan

"Deepen your knowledge of Jesus. This ends loneliness, overcomes sadness and uncertainty, gives real meaning to life, curbs passions, exalts ideals, expands energies in charity, brings light into decisive choices. Let Christ be for you the Way, the Truth, and the Life." —St. Pope John Paul II (Pope from 1978 to 2005) May 4, [...]

Hunger for Sacraments, Hunger for Truth, #GivingTuesdayNOW

“Do not be ashamed to enter again into the Church... These are two things: sin and repentance. Sin is a wound; repentance is a medicine. Just as there are for the body wounds and medicines, so for the soul are sins and repentance. However, sin has the shame and repentance possesses the courage.” —St. John [...]

Letter #58, 2016: The Bells of Rome, Last Conversations, #4

September 17, 2016, Saturday -- The Bells of Rome, Last Conversations #4 "Peter Seewald: When you left the Vatican in a helicopter, this also was part in some way of the entire screenplay, as it were, at least as seen from the outside. One could say that up until that moment no Pope had ascended into [...]

Letter #55, 2016: "Seek His Face Always," Last Conversations #2

September 14, 2016, Wednesday -- "Seek His Face Always," Last Conversations with Pope Benedict, Letter #2 "Peter Seewald: When you find yourself before the Almighty, what will you say to Him? Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI: I will ask Him to be indulgent with my wretchedness." —Passage in the first chapter of Ultime Conversazioni ("Last Conversations"), by [...]

Letter #54, 2016: Last Conversations with Pope Benedict

September 11, 2016, Sunday -- Last Conversations with Pope Benedict "Peter Seewald: The last question of these last conversations: love is one of your central themes. You dealt with the question of love as a student, as a professor, as a Pope. Where was love in your life? What was your experience: did you feel it, [...]

Letter #33, 2016: Where now?

April 18, 2016, Monday -- Where now? Trajan (Roman Emperor from 98 to 117 A.D.): “Dost thou carry Him who was crucified within thee?” St. Ignatius: “I do: for it is written, ‘I will dwell in them.’” Then Trajan pronounced this sentence against him: “Forasmuch as Ignatius has confessed that he carries about within himself Him [...]

A Tale of Three Magazines

  The covers of the first issues of 30 Giorni (the Italian original of 30 Days), of 30 Days, of Catholic World Report, and of Inside the Vatican. A few weeks ago, I received news in an email from Father Joseph Fessio that Catholic World Report would become a purely Internet publication after its [...]

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