
Pope at Mass in Casal Bertone: ‘Bless and share with those in need’

Pope Francis celebrates the Eucharist on Corpus Christi Sunday (Vatican Media) Pope Francis celebrates Mass in Rome’s Casal Bertone neighborhood on the feast of Corpus Christi, and urges area residents to speak a word of blessing and share whatever they have with one another. “A blessing releases a cascade of goodness.” With those words, [...]

Pope at Mass in Camerino: “Remember, repair, rebuild…together”

Pope Francis celebrates Mass in Camerino, Italy (AFP or licensors) June 16, 2019 Pope Francis celebrates Holy Mass in Camerino in the Italian Marches Region, reflecting on Psalm Number 8, and on the words “remembering”, “hope”, and “closeness”. The earthquakes that struck Camerino and nearby Italian hill-towns, on August 24th and again on October 30th three [...]

Pope at Mass: the Holy Spirit brings harmony within us and among us

Pope Francis celebrates Holy Mass on the feast of Pentecost (Vatican Media ) Pope Francis celebrates Holy Mass on the feast of Pentecost lamenting divisions and urging believers to open their hearts to the Holy Spirit who brings harmony and unity. Celebrating Mass on the solemnity of Pentecost in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis urged the faithful to [...]

Pope at Mass: ‘sin ages the soul, the Spirit keeps it young’

Pope Francis celebrates Mass at the Casa Santa Marta (Vatican Media) Pope Francis says “sadness is not a Christian attitude”. Speaking to the faithful at morning Mass he commented on how it is possible to overcome the difficulties of life with the support and closeness of the Holy Spirit. May 28, 2019 Pope Francis [...]

Pope at Mass: St. Paul, hard-headed but not hard-hearted

Pope Francis preaches at the morning Mass (Vatican Media) In his homily at Mass in the Casa Santa Marta on Friday, Pope Francis invites Christians to be docile to the voice of the Lord, after the model of St. Paul. May 10, 2019 Taking his cue from the conversion of St. Paul on the [...]

Pope at Mass in North Macedonia: hunger for God, fraternity, encounter

Pope Francis at Mass in Skopje, North Macedonia, May 7, 2019. (Vatican Media) In a homily during Mass in Macedonia Square in the capital, Skopje, on May 7, Pope Francis reflected on Jesus the “bread of life” who satisfies the true hunger of man’s heart and how the followers of Jesus can satisfy this [...]

Pope at Mass in Bulgaria: Communion in the Eucharist

Pope Francis during Mass in Rakovsky (Vatican Media) Pope Francis celebrates Holy Mass with First Communion, in Rakovsky, Bulgaria, and tells the young boys and girls how the Eucharist expresses the communion that makes us all brothers and sisters. The homily was brief and to the point. But, most of all, it was addressed [...]

Pope at Mass: Lent is an opportunity to be simple and true

Pope Francis celebrated Mass at the Casa Santa Marta on Friday highlighting the need for believers to be true Christians and shun appearances. Taking his cue from the Book of the prophet Isaiah, Pope Francis condemned all forms of hypocrisy and explained the difference there is between objective and formal reality. Formal reality, the Pope said, [...]

Heaven on Earth

Pope at Angelus: At Mass we anticipate heaven on earth Pope Francis reflects on Christ’s Eucharistic discourse during the Angelus on Sunday “Going to Mass and receiving Communion” is very important, Pope Francis said at Sunday’s Angelus, “because to receive Communion is to receive this living Christ, who transforms us interiorly, and prepares us for heaven.” [...]

‘God’s love has no need for words but for concrete gestures’

Pope Francis on Friday reflected on how God’s love has no limits. Speaking during the homily at morning Mass, he said His greatness is manifested in small things and tenderness. Marking the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus during Mass at the Casa Santa Marta, Pope Francis remarked on how it could be said that the festivity celebrates God's [...]

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