Peter Kwasniewski

A New Book Chronicles the Worldwide Reaction to Traditionis Custodes

From Benedict's Peace to Francis's War looks at the new suppression of liturgical tradition from many perspectives By Christina Deardurff Peter Kwasniewski's new book From Benedict’s Peace to Francis’s War. The book collected reactions to Pope Francis’s July 16, 2021 motu proprio Traditionis Custodes Author, educator, musician and liturgy scholar Peter Kwasniewski, an American, [...]

Letter #81, 2021, Tues., Aug 3: Kwasniewski

    “All the striving towards ecumenism, however necessary, must begin not with attention-grabbing meetings with Eastern hierarchs but with the restoration of the Latin liturgy, which represents the real connection between the Latin and Greek churches.” --German Catholic author Martin Mosebach, author of The Heresy of Formlessness (Angelico Press, 2018), p. 187.     The article I republish below, [...]

Letter #55, 2021, Wednesday, July 14: Intersection

    Above, a priest incenses the altar at a celebration of the old Mass. It is reported that Pope Francis may publish a decree on Friday, July 16 — in two days — limiting the celebration of the old Mass, even though Pope Benedict 14 years ago said all Catholic priests had the right to celebrate [...]

Letter #25, Monday, September 21, 2020: The debate continues

 The Debate over Vatican II Continues     The recent intense debate over the Second Vatican Council, launched in early June by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò (link), engaged in since by a number of Catholic scholars, is still continuing after more than three months.     Today's letter includes:     (1) a June 29 response to Viganò by Dr. Peter [...]

Is CDF Survey a Veiled Attack on Summorum Pontificum?

It may be impossible to say; but a Traditional Mass defender offers possible scenarios By Peter A. Kwasniewski, Ph.D. A Summorum Pontificum pilgrimage in 2019 draws near St. Peter’s A letter dated March 7, 2020, sent from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to every bishop in the world requested their cooperation [...]