
Former Personal Secretary of St. John Paul II

#10 Emery Kabongo Kanundowi Former Personal Secretary of St. John Paul II “By Nature the African is a Very Spiritual and Believing Person" Emery Kabongo Kanundowi - Paul Chehade - Lysette Iglesias - Pauline Kashale Muanji - Solidary - Solidary Foundation To this day, in the midst of all of the politics, turmoil, and [...]

Pope at Audience: Church a ‘field hospital’ that cares for sick

Pope Francis during his weekly General Audience (AFP or licensors) At the weekly General Audience, Pope Francis says the Church is like “a field hospital” that must care for the sick, even when our actions incite envy and hatred in others. Continuing his catechesis on the Acts of the Apostles, Pope Francis reflected on [...]

‘Without the Holy Spirit we are nothing’

During the General Audience in St. Peter's Square, Pope Francis prayed for war ravaged eastern Ukraine and reflected on the Sacrament of Confirmation. "Only the Spirit of Christ can make us "salt that gives taste" and "light that illuminates the world" said Pope Francis during his catechesis on Wednesday morning. He was speaking to the pilgrims gathered in [...]

Pilgrimage Sponsored by Inside the Vatican Magazine Visit the Shrine of the Holy Face

A number of pilgrimages, especially from abroad, who were present in Rome for the canonization of Mother Teresa of Calcutta at St. Peter's (Sunday, September 4) also took the opportunity to come to the Shrine of the Holy Face of Manoppello. On the day following the canonization the pilgrimage sponsored by the American Catholic magazine INSIDE [...]