
The Place of Christ in Higher Education

An interview with Cardinal Newman Society president Patrick Reilly By ITV staff Countless Catholic families have faced the same dilemma over the past few decades: where can their children attend college and not have their faith opposed, ridiculed or worse — lost? The Catholic colleges and universities mom and dad once attended are now “Catholic” in [...]

Discovering Authentic Catholic Education

56 years after the disastrous Land O' Lakes Declaration, faithful Catholic colleges and universities are thriving By ITV staff In 2009, Cardinal Newman Society founder and president Patrick Reilly presented Pope Benedict XVI with a copy of The Newman Guide and asked for his blessing on the work Regularly featured in Inside the Vatican [...]

The Collegium: Higher Education to Save Souls

A new Catholic college in Maryland embraces Tradition while thinking innovatively to make education more affordable We opened the doors of Collegium Sanctorum Angelorum (The Collegium of the Holy Angels, called The Collegium for short) in the fall of 2021 in historic Hagerstown, Maryland, on the eastern coast of the United States. We are a classical [...]

Catholic Educators Renewing Devotion to Eucharist

Amid the crisis of unbelief, a plan to re-Catechize U.S. Catholics Patrick Reilly, president and founder of The Cardinal Newman Society, which identifies and celebrates good Catholic education by Patrick Reilly In the United States, surveys show a crisis of faith in the Eucharist, especially among young people. Not only do many baptized [...]

A Truly Catholic Law School in the Heart of Florida

At Ave Maria School of Law, Catholic legal education is alive and well By Jovan Tripkovic * In these photos: potential students from around the country (and globe) came to campus as part of the Cardinal Newman Pre-Law Academy at Ave Maria School of Law in Naples, Florida The relocation of Ave Maria School [...]

Is “Truth” Welcome in Today’s Catholic Universities?

"Academic Freedom" and the Tyranny of the Modern College Campus By Michael F. McLean, Ph.D., President of Thomas Aquinas College* Some of the titles read in the “Great Books” curriculum at the college. Fr. Theodore Hesburgh, president of Notre Dame University and signatory to the “Land O’Lakes Statement” in 1967 Last fall, [...]

The Kingship of Christ and John Paul II’s Ex Corde Ecclesiae

An aerial view of Christendom College, showing the Shenandoah River as it flows by the campus. By Timothy O’Donnell In an era that can truly be described as another Dark Ages, it becomes ever clearer the need to loudly proclaim the Kingship of Christ in our culture. There is perhaps no place more [...]

Christian Identity: A Source of Inspiration for the University

By Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero, President, University of Navarra* The campus of the University of Navarra, a Spanish university founded in 1952. The coronavirus pandemic has posed a major challenge for people, families and institutions all over the world. We are living in times of crisis, but we shall overcome with massive doses of solidarity [...]

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