December 2013

A Restaurant and a Bed and Breakfast near the Basilica of St. John in Lateran

Stefano and Jenny, the managers of the Taverna Latina, say: “Very often the things that give us greatest satisfaction are those pleasantly unexpected. The pleasure of discovery we leave to our new customers, because our habitual clients know our place well; those who find us never leave us.” The Taverna Latina is situated beyond the Basilica [...]

Vatican Watch – December 2013

OCTOBER Tuesday 1- Thursday 3 POPE ATTENDS A MEETING WITH eight CARDINALS Pope Francis and his eight cardinal advisers on Church governance spent much of their first day together discussing the reform of the Synod of Bishops. Possible changes to the organization of the world Synod of Bishops, which has been a periodic gathering of bishops [...]

Anniverseries, Ordinations & Restorations

ANNIVERSARIES Pope John XXIII. On October 3, Pope Francis attended a commemorative conference marking the 50th anniversary of Blessed John XXIII’s encyclical PACEM IN TERRIS (“Peace on Earth”). The Pacem in Terris conference was organized by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace in Rome Oct. 2-4. Pacem in Terris, published in 1963, was [...]

Special Devotion, Proper Respect and Reverence for the Holy Eucharist

Many Catholics on opposing sides of the religious spectrum, namely those in favor of tradition and others upholding a progressive vision of the Church, perhaps still remember, albeit for different reasons, the celebration of the Feast of Corpus Christi in Rome on May 25, 2008, when Benedict XVI started for the first time to publicly administer [...]

The Resurrection: A Criminal Investigation…

Dr. Rocco Leonard Martino, The Resurrection:A CriminalInvestigation. I had been invited to create an audio version of Dr. Rocco Leonard Martino’s new novel, The Resurrection: A Criminal Investigation of the Mysterious Disappearance of the Body of the Crucified Criminal Jesus of Nazareth. Doing my usual research on a subject I don’t think about quite [...]

The Hidden Gems of Francis’ Life

ACardinal Bergoglio who, just a few hours before being elected Pope, rediscovered the vocation for chemistry he had as a young man, offering a cardinal colleague some advice on medicine doses as they sat down to eat... A Cardinal Bergoglio who was elected after a voting session had to be annulled due to a mistake with [...]

Pope Francis in 140 or Fewer Characters

In June Pope Francis tweeted "If we have found the meaning of life in Jesus, we cannot be indifferent toward one who suffers, one who is sad." Among the large number of books issued during the first months of Pope Francis’ pontificate illustrating his gestures and the innovations he has introduced, a small volume has [...]

A “Concert for Peace” in Rome

The musical evening was sponsored by the Urbi et Orbi Foundation (a project of the non-profit corporation which publishes this magazine), together with the St. Gregory the Theologian Foundation of Moscow, under the patronage of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Culture. At 5 pm on the evening of Nov­ember 12, Svetlana Kasyan, the young Russian opera [...]

“The Voice Of The Church Must Be Prophetic”

On November 1 in South Korea, Russian Orthodox Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev gave a powerful, dramatic address. Here, key excerpts from his talk. Your Holinesses and Beatitudes, Your Eminences and Graces, Dear Brothers and Sisters, Esteemed Delegates of the Assembly, The World Council of Churches has a long and rich history. Set up after the Second World [...]

Between Benedict and Francis: My Life with Two Popes

Archbishop Georg Gänswein, prefect of the pontifical household, talks about his tasks with Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. The year 2013 is a year Archbishop Georg Gänswein will find hard to forget. As prefect of the pontifical household, the office organizing the Holy Father’s public audiences, Gänswein was raised to the episcopate on January [...]

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