
The Austrian Who Tossed The Pachamama Images in The Tiber

#3 Alexander Tschugguel The Austrian who tossed the Pachamama images in the Tiber “I only had one reason to do it: to defend the glory of God” On October 4, 2019, during a ceremony at the Vatican Gardens, a group of people were filmed bowing down before two wooden statues representing Pachamama, the “Mother Earth” goddess of [...]

“Hungary Before Everything, God Above Us All”

#7 Viktor Orbán The president of Hungary is controversial, but steadfast “Why haven’t we Hungarians disappeared?... The key to our survival was the adoption of the Christian faith.” “Hungarians account for 0.2 percent of the world’s population. Is there any point in a nation of this size taking a stance and standing up for a cause? [...]

Pope Francis vs. 2000 Years of Tradition?

Fr. Harrison: “May we believe Francis alone is right, and all his predecessors wrong?” A proper understanding, appreciation and evaluation of Amoris Laetitia will require considerable time, study and prayerful reflection. But it is already quite clear from certain key passages that, with carefully crafted language, plausible arguments and persuasive rhetoric, the Holy Father is [...]

In Defense of What Has Been Believed “Always, Everywhere, By All”

An interview of Bishop Athanasius Schneider about the SSPX, women and footwashing, the consecration of Russia, anti-pastoral bishops, and more We do not endorse unreservedly every statement of Bishop Athanasius Schneider, auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Mary Most Holy in Astana, Kazakhstan. However, Schneider’s voice has become an influential one in the Church, especially in [...]