
Letter #1, 2024, Thu, January 4: More confusion

    Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith issues new clarification on blessings for gay and irregular couples     January 4, 2024     In Rome, at noon today, a new text (link) has just appeared attempting to explain the Vatican's controversial position on the blessing of same-sex couples.     Entitled "Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith: Press release [...]

Letter #107, 2021, Tuesday, Sept 14: Hilarion

    In this email, we have the second of our 18 Viganò tapes (link here or below). Please subscribe to our YouTube channel so that you will be notified immediately when we post the rest of these tapes and all future YouTube content.     We also include several reports from the Eucharistic Congress in Budapest, Hungary in [...]

A Hungarian Franciscan Who Helps Abandoned Children

#5 Father Csaba Böjte A Hungarian Franciscan who helps abandoned children "To free my fellows from the chains of fear and little faith..." “Every child is a message for humanity: God loves us. Raising a child is an encounter with God. Jesus said: if someone adopts one of the smallest, receive myself,” says Father Csaba Böjte, [...]

Pope at Audience: Church a ‘field hospital’ that cares for sick

Pope Francis during his weekly General Audience (AFP or licensors) At the weekly General Audience, Pope Francis says the Church is like “a field hospital” that must care for the sick, even when our actions incite envy and hatred in others. Continuing his catechesis on the Acts of the Apostles, Pope Francis reflected on [...]

Pope at Mass: Lent is an opportunity to be simple and true

Pope Francis celebrated Mass at the Casa Santa Marta on Friday highlighting the need for believers to be true Christians and shun appearances. Taking his cue from the Book of the prophet Isaiah, Pope Francis condemned all forms of hypocrisy and explained the difference there is between objective and formal reality. Formal reality, the Pope said, [...]

Pope at Mass: life has value only when given

In his homily at Mass, Friday morning, Pope Francis drew lesson from the martyrdom of John the Baptist and the other characters involved in it. According to Jesus, the martyrdom of John, the greatest man born of a woman, is a great witness to the fact that life has value only in giving it to others [...]

Pope at General Audience: ‘Commandments open heart to God’

In his catechesis at the General Audience, Pope Francis says the Ten Commandments help us open our hearts to receive the mercy of God and to show compassion to others. Pope Francis turned his attention to the Ninth and Tenth Commandments at the Wednesday General Audience. The Holy Father said the injunctions – “You shall not [...]

Pope at Mass: Bearing witness, complaining, asking questions

At the Mass Thursday morning at Casa Santa Marta, the Pope warns against the sin of “murmuring,” which is a part of our daily life. And he reminds us that the logic of the Gospel is contrary to the logic of the world. Witness, complaining, questions. These were the three words which Pope Francis focused on [...]

Pope on Bible: No other book has same power to transform lives

Before the General Audience on Wednesday Pope Francis greeted a delegation from the American Bible Society in the Paul VI complex. Transform lives through God’s word  The American Bible Society’s mission statement is “to transform lives through God’s word” and in his greetings to members of the society in the Vatican on Wednesday, Pope Francis encouraged [...]

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