
“Essential” Catholic Economic Principles During Lockdowns

The Angelus by Jean-François Millet, 1858-1859, Museum d'Orsay in Paris By Michael Severance The COVID crisis is more than a health catastrophe. It is also a human wealth calamity in the making. Rash management of the ongoing pandemic by elected and unelected authorities has created an economic emergency across nations and on many levels. [...]

A Hungarian Franciscan Who Helps Abandoned Children

#5 Father Csaba Böjte A Hungarian Franciscan who helps abandoned children "To free my fellows from the chains of fear and little faith..." “Every child is a message for humanity: God loves us. Raising a child is an encounter with God. Jesus said: if someone adopts one of the smallest, receive myself,” says Father Csaba Böjte, [...]

Pope at Angelus: Welcoming those at our door brings peace and hope

Pope waves to pilgrims in St Peter's Square during the Angelus (Vatican Media) At the Sunday Angelus address, Pope Francis speaks of the importance of not feeling burdened when offering a warm welcome and a sense of fraternity to those in need as a way of combining contemplation and action. By Francesca Merlo Pope [...]

Pope at Mass: “Where is your brother?”

Reflecting on the episode of Cain and Abel in the Bible, Pope Francis in his homily at Mass on Monday said we are asked many uncomfortable questions regarding our brothers. “Where is your brother?” This is the question that God asks each one of us in our hearts regarding our brother who is sick, in prison [...]

Angelus: Pope warns against idolatry, Jesus calls us to happiness

Before the recitation of the Marian Prayer, the Pope reflects on Sunday’s Gospel reading from Luke in which, he says, Jesus in the form of the Beatitudes “opens his eyes to us, makes us see with his gaze, beyond appearances, beyond the surface, and teaches us to discern situations with faith.” Pope Francis explained how Jesus, [...]

Pope: ‘when we meet the Lord we will bring only what we have given’

Reflecting on the Gospel reading of the day at the Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis reminded the faithful that when we meet the Lord we will be called to account for our lives. Addressing the crowds gathered in St. Peter’s Square for the Angelus, Pope Francis on Sunday reflected on the Gospel passage in which the Lord [...]

Pope Francis at Angelus: ‘It’s evil not to do good!’

Ahead of the Angelus prayer on Sunday, Pope Francis said being a good Christian is more than merely not doing evil: A good Christian does good and actively opposes evil. Pope Francis prayed the Angelus in St. Peter’s Square on Sunday with tens of thousands of pilgrims, including a large group of young Italians to whom [...]

Pope Francis celebrates Paul VI: ‘the Pope of modernity’

Pope Francis on Sunday remembered Pope Paul VI forty years from his death which took place on 6 August 1978. Greeting the pilgrims present in St. Peter’s Square for the Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis turned his thoughts to a Pope he is preparing to canonize. “Forty years ago Blessed Pope Paul VI – the Pope of [...]

‘Faith in Jesus allows us to Carry out God’s works’

Pope Francis invited believers to abandon themselves with joy to God's plan for their lives and seek spiritual nourishment in order to go forward in their journey of faith. His words came during the Angelus in St. Peter's Square. Pope Francis invited the faithful to cultivate their relationship with God, because faith in Jesus, he said allows [...]

Pope denounces “slanderous communication” of dictatorships

In his homily at Mass at Casa Santa Marta, June 18, the Pope spoke about the devastating power of slanderous communication used by dictators against others. It is something that happens even today. If you want to destroy institutions or people, you start by speaking ill of them.  This is the “slanderous communication” that Pope Francis exhorted Christians [...]

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