John Paul II

“Essential” Catholic Economic Principles During Lockdowns

The Angelus by Jean-François Millet, 1858-1859, Museum d'Orsay in Paris By Michael Severance The COVID crisis is more than a health catastrophe. It is also a human wealth calamity in the making. Rash management of the ongoing pandemic by elected and unelected authorities has created an economic emergency across nations and on many levels. [...]

Letter #4, 2020: Chinese Betrayed? Zen, Re, Viganò

" Cardinal Zen has affirmed several times that no Accord [with the Chinese government] would have been better than a 'brutal Accord.' The last three Pontiffs did not share such a position and have supported and accompanied the crafting of the Accord which, at the present, appeared to be the only one possible." —Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re (above left), 86, in a highly [...]

“There’s no J in Latin, Your Holiness.”

It's hard, even for a pope, to change Vatican ways. By John Byron Kuhner October 26, 2005 in the Vatican Grottoes, Polish Msgr. Mieczyslaw Mokrzycki, who had been one of Pope John Paul II’s personal secretaries, in prayer at the latter’s tomb. Things don’t change all that much in St. Peter’s Basilica. Perhaps you [...]

New JPII Pontifical Institute for Matrimonial & Family Sciences releases statement

The newly-created John Paul II Pontifical Theological Institute for Matrimonial and Family Sciences on Tuesday released a statement regarding Pope Francis' Motu Proprio Datae summa familiae cura. The Motu Proprio was released on Tuesday, establishing the Institute to carry forward the work of the two recent Synods of Bishops and the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia. The 'media notes' statement is signed [...]

Letter #8, 2017: The New York Times and Steve Bannon

February 7, 2017, Tuesday -- The New York Times and Steve Bannon "Vatican Traditionalists See Hero in Trump Aide." —Headline of a New York Times front-page article today (link) which argues that "Vatican Traditionalists" see US President Donald Trump's top aide and "strategic advisor," the Irish American Catholic and former Breitbart News executive Steve Bannon, as [...]

Letter #44, 2016: The Three Positions

May 16, 2016, Monday -- The Three Positions (And Now Four) On Amoris Laetitia The text below is the Editorial in the May edition of Inside the Vatican, which is just out. (To obtain a copy of the issue or to subscribe for one or more years, click here. We welcome new subscribers, of course. If [...]

Letter #43, 2016: In the Footsteps of Pope Benedict

May 13, 2016, Friday -- In the Footsteps of Pope Benedict XVI... Blessed Feast Day of Our Lady of Fatima... "In terms of what we today can discover in this message [the message of Fatima], attacks against the Pope or the Church don't come just from outside the Church. The suffering of the Church also comes [...]

“Without Putting Limits on Integration…”

Reading Amoris Laetitia: The Structure and Meaning of the Post-Synod Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis The exhortation incorporates from the synodal document the path of discernment of individual cases without putting limits on integration, as appeared in the past. It declares, moreover, that it cannot be denied that in some circumstances “imputability and responsibility for an [...]

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