January 2014

Dr. Gordon Neufeld – A Vancouver-based developmental psychologist

Dr. Gordon Neufeld. How can families remain strong and loving? How can parents and children have healthy, loving relationships? These are some of the great questions of our time, a time in which the traditional family is under attack from many sides. And there seems little doubt that the harm caused by the breakdown [...]

Gregory III Laham – Patriarch of the Greek Melchite Church in Syria

Patriarch Gregory is pastor of the Greek-Catholic community in Syria, where violence against Christians has been escalating. The patriarch, with more than 150,000 faithful, is an advocate for the diminishing and endangered Christian communities in the Near and Middle East. He promotes reconciliation as the anchor of salvation for Syria and for the future of Christians [...]

Bishop Thaddeus Ma Daqin – Auxiliary Bishop of Shanghai, China

The Auxiliary Bishop of Shanghai, China, Thaddeus Ma Daqin, has been under house arrest in Sheshan Seminary in China since July 2012. For his steadfast faith in the face of the governmental power which has impeded him from exercising his religious ministry, we are proud to include Bishop Ma among our “Top Ten” people of 2103 for a [...]

Louis Raphaël I Sako – Chaldean Catholic Patriarch of Babylon

Louis Raphaël I Sako. Could the entire Middle East be without Christians? Even to ask that question seems shocking, but the reality is that, after 2000 years of a significant Christian presence in the region, the events of recent years have raised this question. “We must not resign ourselves to think of a Middle [...]

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