In the Pope’s Words

Words of wisdom from Pope Francis: the Angelus, Wednesday Audience and Morning Mass Homilies.

Pope at Angelus: Let God’s light surprise and reawaken our hearts

(CNS photo/Vatican Media) March 13, 2022 In his Sunday Gospel reflections for the Angelus, Pope Francis recalls the Apostles who witnessed the Transfiguration of Jesus, noting that we too are in the need of God's light that reawakens our desire to pray and serve others. Greeting pilgrims in Saint Peter's Square for the Sunday [...]

Shevchuk: Pope Francis wants to be present through Cardinal Krajewski

(CNS photo/ March 9, 2022 Pope Francis’ envoy to Ukraine, Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, meets with leaders of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and of the Latin Church in Ukraine, as he begins his mission to the war-torn nation. Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, the Papal Almoner, began his mission as Pope Francis’ envoy to Ukraine on [...]

Pope at Angelus: Respond to temptation with the Word of God

CNS photo/Vatican Media   March 6, 2022 On this first Sunday of Lent, Pope Francis warns the faithful to be vigilant against the temptations that “accompany us on the journey of life,” and invites Christians to look to Jesus who “does not make agreements with evil.” During his Angelus address on the first Sunday of [...]

Pope at Audience: Alliance of generations is indispensable

CNS photo/Paul Haring March 2, 2022 Pope Francis has begun a new cycle of catechesis on old age, focusing his second reflection in the series on long life as a “symbol and opportunity.” The tremendous longevity of the Old Testament patriarchs – who in the ritual narrative of the Scripture are said to have [...]

Pope at Angelus: Strive to see clearly and speak charitably

CNS photo/Vatican Media February 27, 2022 Reflecting on the Sunday Gospel reading, Pope Francis invites us to reflect on how we look at ourselves, others and how we express ourselves in order purify our gaze and our speech. In his Sunday reflections before leading the recitation of the Angelus, Pope Francis recalled the Sunday [...]

Pope at Audience: Alliance between generations must be found again

(CNS photo/Paul Haring) February 23, 2022 Starting a new series of reflections on the meaning and value of old age, Pope Francis in his General audience this week stresses the need for an inter-generational alliance, drawing inspiration from scriptures. Pope Francis begins this week’s General Audience with the dynamics of today’s demographics, where a truly “new [...]

Pope at Angelus: Pray for those who wrong you

(CNS photo/Vatican Media) February 20, 2022 During the Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis invites people to follow the example of Jesus and react to wrongdoing with kindness rather than anger or violence. In his catechesis during the Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis turned his thoughts to the Gospel of the day focusing on the basic life guidance [...]

Pope at Audience: Like the saints, let us turn to St. Joseph

(CNS photo/Paul Haring) February 16, 2022 At the Wednesday General Audience, Pope Francis continues his catechesis cycle on the figure of St Joseph, describing him as one who cares for others. Continuing his reflections on the figure of St Joseph, Pope Francis addressed the faithful gathered in the Paul VI Hall for his weekly [...]

Pope at Angelus: Jesus’ disciples are poor and happy

(CNS photo/Vatican Media) February 13, 2022 In his Sunday Angelus address, Pope Francis reflects on the Christian identity encapsulated in the Beatitudes, and says Jesus’ disciples are blessed because they are poor. Pope Francis offered a reflection on Sunday’s Gospel reading (Lk 6:20-23) at the midday Angelus prayer with pilgrims in St. Peter’s Square. [...]

Pope at Audience: Faith in resurrection helps us face death without fear

(CNS photo/Paul Haring) February 9, 2022 Reflecting on St. Joseph as the patron saint of a good death during his catechesis at the General Audience, Pope Francis invites Christians to face death with faith in the resurrection, saying that the Christian faith is not a way of exorcising the fear of death, but rather [...]

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