
Historic first: Chinese bishop addresses Vatican conference

Head of Chinese bishops, originally appointed without Vatican approval, Bishop Joseph Shen Bin of Shanghai promotes "Sinicization" while the still-unsigned agreement between the Vatican and China remains in play By ITV staff/Vatican News Cardinal Pietro Parolin with Bishop Joseph Shen Bin of Shanghai at a conference at the Pontifical Urban University in Rome on May [...]

Letter #17, Wednesday, July 29, 2020: China

    This Letter is devoted to the question of the Catholic Church in China.     The question is important because the historic "secret agreement" between the Holy See and China to regulate the relations of the Church to the Chinese Communist government — especially regarding the selection of bishops for the Church — signed on September 22, [...]

Reflections for the feast of Epiphany

Epiphany celebrates Jesus’ first appearance to the Gentiles, as represented by the Magi, while the Eastern Churches commemorate the Baptism of Christ, where the Father and the Holy Spirit give combined testimony to Jesus’ identity as the Son of God. Is 60:1-6;   Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6;   Mt. 2:1-12 Homily starter anecdote “Because you never know what’s going [...]

Pope Francis in flight press conference: full text

Pope Francis on Saturday en route to Rome following his visit to Myanmar Bangladesh held his traditional in flight press conference. Among the topics of discussion were the Rohingya people, nuclear arms, globalization and future travel plans. Greg Burke: Thank you, Holy Father. First of all, thanks. You have chosen two interesting countries to visit. Two [...]

As He Reaches Out to Russia, Francis Also Reaches Out To China…

...and in Beijing, the gesture is “noted.” The full text of a controversial recent papal interview Pope Francis gave his first-ever interview on China and the Chinese people on January 28 to Asia Times columnist and China Renmin University senior researcher Francesco Sisci, which follows. In the historic one-hour interview at the Vatican the Pope urged [...]

Letter #42, 2015: Mortality

October 7, 2015, Wednesday — Mortality "Every life is sacred, every human person is endowed with an inalienable dignity, and society can only benefit from the rehabilitation of those convicted of crimes." —Pope Francis, on Thursday, September 24, in his address to the U.S. Congress during his visit to America; he called for the "global abolition" [...]

A New Tone of Urgency

“It is increasingly intolerable that financial markets are shaping the destiny of peoples rather than serving their needs, or that the few derive immense wealth from financial speculation while the many are deeply burdened by the consequences.” —Pope Francis, June 16, address to a conference in Rome sponsored by Catholic Relief Services, the University of Notre [...]

How God’s word spread geographically

“The greatest missionary is the Bible in the mother tongue. It needs no furlough and is never considered a foreigner.” —William Cameron Townsend (1896-1982) Prominent Christian missionary in South America and founder of the Wycliffe Bible Translators and The Summer Institute of Linguistics Here, Bodmer Papyrus XXIV, Page 24 (K), late 3rd – early 4th [...]

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