Table of Contents
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Finding Vigano by Robert Moynihan, Ph.D.
From Pius XII to Vatican II: The Hidden History of a Key Church Epoch by Kevin Symonds, Special Correspondent for ITV
ITALY/October Beatification in Assisi of Servant of God Carlo Acutis by Meg Hunter-Kilmer (reprinted from Our Sunday Visitor)
HISTORY/Prejudices to be debunked: Pius XII and the Secret Archives by Prof. Matteo Luigi Napolitano
ITALY/The Pope and “Slow Food”/New encyclical by Hannah Brockhaus(CNA)/Vatican News
VATICAN/”Human dignity has political implications” by Courtney Mares (CNA)
UNITED STATES/“Put not your faith in princes”: On the US elections by Robert Royal
DEBATE/”We have to stop being afraid” by Stefanie Stark, Special Correspondent for ITV
CRY OF THE AFFLICTED/America’s “Abortion King” and the “Catholic Strategy” by Terry T. Beatley with Clare Ruff
ECONOMY/Socialism, Modernism and Catholic Doctrine by Michael D. Greaney
PRAYER/Praying the Psalms for laypeople by Rev. Thomas K. Murphy, OFM
SCRIPTURE/”The tongue is a fire” by Prof. Anthony Esolen, Magdalen College, New Hampshire, USA
EDUCATION/A very special school teaches trades to young Catholic men by President Brian Black, Harmel Academy, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
SANCTITY/A young Polish priest murdered 36 years ago, remembered by Barbara Middleton
Icon/The Circumcision of the Lord by Robert Wiesner
East-West Watch/Can disease be transmitted through Communion? by Peter Anderson
News from the East/Metropolitan Hilarion honored: 25 years of careful work by Becky Derks
Latin/Priestly Blessing of a great Latinist: Cardinal Antonio Bacci (1885-1971) by John Byron Kuhner, Paideia Institute, Rome
Art/Caravaggio and his admirer, Robert Longhi by Lucy Gordan
Book/Selection from Lord of the World (originally published in 1907) by Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson
Vatican Watch/A day-by-day chronicle of Vatican events: July, August, September by Becky Derks
People/Remembering Fr. Paul Mankowski, S.J., celebrated scholar and friend by Becky Derks
Food for Thought/At Last, Rome’s “Il Tuo Vissani” by Mother Martha