Table of Contents

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Become a “Friend of Lebanon” by Dr. Robert Moynihan


VATICAN-CHINA/The Vatican-China agreement is up for a September renewal… by Christina Deardurff

NEWS: “We need to keep praying” by Theresa Li, special ITV correspondent from China 

NEWS: Pope Francis starts fund for unemployed; Bolivian diplomat chosen for Vatican post; the meaning of the Hagia Sophia becoming a mosque by Christina Deardurff and Hannah Brockhaus (CNA)

DEBATE: Vaccines using aborted human babies by Stefanie Stark, ITV special correspondent, interviews Dr. Theresa Deisher


VATICAN II/Do we have a “parallel Church”? by Christina Deardurff

VATICAN II/Was Vatican II really the “seed of error”? by Dr. John Cavadini of the University of Notre Dame

VATICAN II/De-throning Vatican II by Dr. Anthony Esolen of Magdalen College in New Hampshire

VATICAN II/Vatican II and the work of the Spirit by Fr. Thomas G. Weinandy, OFM Capuchin


DEBATE/New openings to make Masonic membership possible? by Robert Moynihan

SAINTS/The cause of John Paul II’s parents begins by Anna Artymiak, ITV special correspondent

SCRIPTURE/The quality of mercy by Prof. Anthony Esolen, Magdalen College, New Hampshire, USA

EDUCATION/Australia’s groundbreaking Catholic college by Dr. Paul Morrisey, President of Campion College, Sydney, Australia

OBITUARY/Msgr. Georg Ratzinger, older brother of Pope Benedict, dies at 96 by Deborah Castellano Lubov (Zenit), interviewing Dr. Michael Hesemann


Icon/Tranquility or strife? by Robert Wiesner

Spirituality/“Initiated into truth” By Father El Meskeen (1919-2006)

East-West Watch/Social ethos of the Orthodox Church by Peter Anderson

News from the East/Converting the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul into a mosque by Becky Derks


LATIN/Profile of a great Latinist: Cardinal Antonio Bacci (1885-1971) by John Byron Kuhner, Paideia Institute, Rome

Art/Who should own Italy’s religious art? Church or state? by Lucy Gordan

BOOK/Selection from Lord of the World (originally published in 1907) by Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson

Vatican Watch/A day-by-day chronicle of Vatican events: May, June, July by Becky Derks

People/Miracle approved for Fr. McGivney cause; shake-up at Bose monastery by Becky Derks

Food for Thought/“True Italian hospitality”: An oasis in Trastevere by Mother Martha